Hello, my name is fabian, Im the Overwatch leader, Aka KING, im the leader of the faction IC and OOC.
If you want to apply to my faction then ask me or Pudding we will give you further intructions.
If you want to know more about me then add me on steam. "[DGC] TheHoovyBorn"
Now, what I want you guys to understand as OTA is that you need to be 100 % serious.
If you do dumb stuff you will get one warning, second warning is demotion and whitelist removal.
Due to OTA is an hard faction we will improve the skills when the server is online by training like every week 3 times.
But what you need first to submit as OTA is expierience fun and an MPF unit maybe.
Its about if I know you or If I dont. Well good luck your